Monday, 24 January 2011

The beginning

So I guess I've always been interested in girl's clothes. I don't know exactly why or when it started but it's been with me for as long as I can remember, but always in the back of my mind. Well, until recently at least.

I started to get more curious maybe about a year ago but it was still a very casual curiosity. I discovered TG captions and would visit some sites once in a while when it crossed my mind. It wasn't something I needed it was just something I enjoyed, kinda a hobby I suppose. Then I got the courage one night to join a crossdressing forum and introduce myself and from there it's all kinda snowballed. Now I have my own growing stash of feminine clothing which I love, especially the dresses (teehee!). I'll get to that later though. Guess I'm bad at this starting at the beginning stuff aren't I?

The problem is I still live with my parents which makes it hard for me to get dressed up often. It held me back for quite a while but people on the forums I visit gave me some confidence and about a month ago I went out and bought my first dress (I'll put up a pic soon!). I think that's everything for this post, thanks for reading (if you did!)

1 comment:

  1. i'm in a similar position myself looking forward to hearing more from you
