Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Close call!

Hey guys. I'm going to skip a few weeks after I got my first dress to about a week ago where I had a pretty terrifying experience! In the few weeks after my first dress I gained some confidence and bought a couple more... and some shoes, and some jewellery... eek! My wallet took quite a hit lol. I took some pretty good photos over those weeks too.

So, my close call. Picture the scene: I'm home alone and making my way back upstairs after my best photoshoot yet. I'm wearing a cute peachy-pink dress and some white heels, as well as a white bead necklace and some bracelets to accessorise. I took a bunch of photos downstairs in the living room with flowers laid out and I was really excited to see how they turned out. When I get back into my room I quickly turn on my laptop and sit down, eager to see the photos.

Well, I finally get the pics up and they turned out even better than I hoped! I open a few up for editing and start cropping them when... I hear the front door downstairs open! Crap! I look at the time and realise its 5pm and my mum's just come home from work. My heart starts to thump but then I realise it's not so bad - my door is almost closed and I've just got a few pics on my laptop. I save them for later and close my laptop and then stand up ready to greet her... but then I realise I'm still wearing all my clothes! My mum's coming up the stairs and I'm standing there in a dress and some high heels, not to mention the wig, breast forms, underwear etc - I'm done for. I kick off my heels and jewellery and throw them under the bed along with the wig but there's no way I can get the dress off in time because my mum's at the top of the stairs... I jumped into my bed! Thankfully I suck at make-up so I didn't have any on and with the duvet to cover me up there was no way of knowing what I was wearing underneath. My mum opened the door to find me lying on my side wrapped up in my duvet - she saw nothing and is still none the wiser! I pretended I was ill and I guess with the stress of it all I must've looked pretty peaky because she totally bought it. She insisted I leave my door open though so I was restrained to my bed for the rest of the day... fine by me, I got to wear my dress the whole time in my comfy bed lol.

So yeah... that's about the most crazy-scared I've ever been in my life. I definitely need to be more careful from now on! I don't know what I would've done if the dress had been longer or if it had had shoulder straps... I guess I would've had to come up with a pretty elaborate excuse for wearing a dress in the middle of the day or come clean to my parents - not good!

Btw, I'll put up some pics from that particular photo shoot in my next post!


  1. Thrilling story. I think we've all been there, if only we could all have your quick-thinking to dive under a duvet to avoid being caught!

    Looking forward to seeing more pics of you x

  2. close one... must be terrifying to almost get caught... but I bet you felt alive after...

    i'd love to spend my days in dresses like you do... some day maybe i will
